1. Department of Institutional Economics, State University of Management; Department of Economic Theory, Financial University at The Government of the Russian Federation
The balanced socio–economic development of the territory of Russia is one of the main goals of managing the country’s economy. An important role in achieving this goal is played by the development of Russian border territories, especially those remote from the central regions of the country, but having sufficiently developed economic ties with neighboring countries. Russia and China have a fairly long border and vast border areas, in the development of which the governments of both countries are interested. A balanced long– term development of border areas is impossible without scientifically grounded state programs, the development of which presupposes a preliminary comparative analysis of the methodological and theoretical foundations of scientific theories, as well as their relevance to the set goals and objectives.The subject of research in the article is the heuristic possibilities of the cluster approach of the theory of spatial economics, on the one hand, and the ecosystem approach of the theory of socio–economic ecosystems, on the other. The research results are to identify the relative advantages and disadvantages of the cluster and system approaches as theoretical, methodological and practical tools for the development and implementation of programs for the socio–economic development of the territories of the Russian Federation bordering China. The author substantiated the advantages of the theory of socio–economic ecosystems as a theoretical and methodological tool for programs for the development of border areas.
Publishing Agency Science and Education
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