Saptono Ari,Purwana Dedi,Wibowo Agus,Wibowo Setyo Ferry,Mukhtar Saparuddin,Yanto Heri,Hadi Utomo Sugeng,Kusumajanto Djoko Dwi
Purpose of the study: This study examines the impact of creativity and entrepreneurship education on student entrepreneurial intentions at Jakarta State University.
Methodology: This study, we applied quantitative research which conducting in two-phase First, we perform exploratory factor analysis test, and the second phase, we confirmatory factor analysis using AMOS version 18.
Main Findings: This study carried out the findings that there is an impact on creativity on entrepreneurial education, lectures on individual creativity, entrepreneurial education on entrepreneurial intention, and creativity supported in the university on individual creativity. Furthermore, creativity supported not impact on entrepreneurial intention, and individual creativity has not to impact on entrepreneurial intention.
Applications of this study: This research can be used by university leaders to increase students’ intention to become entrepreneurs through optimizing entrepreneurship education and creativity support from universities.
Novelty/Originality of this study: In this study, we found that there was an influence of lecturer on creativity on entrepreneurship education. Previous researchers have never revealed this finding. Our research also found the impact of individual creativity on the intention of entrepreneurship. This finding has not been revealed in some previous studies.
Maya Global Education Society
General Social Sciences,General Arts and Humanities
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