Impact of future climate change on water supply and irrigation demand in a small mediterranean catchment. Case study: Nebhana dam system, Tunisia


Allani M.1,Mezzi R.1,Zouabi A.2,Béji R.2,Joumade-Mansouri F.2,Hamza M. E.3,Sahli A.1


1. Laboratoire des Sciences Horticoles (LSH), Institut National Agronomique de Tunisie (INAT), Université de Carthage (UC), 43, Avenue Charles Nicolle 1082, Tunis-Mahrajène, Tunisia

2. Commissariat Régional au Développement Agricole de Kairouan (CRDA), Cité Sidi Layoun, Kairouan 3100, Tunisia

3. Institution de la Recherche et de l'Enseignement Supérieur Agricoles (IRESA), 30, Rue Alain Savary 1002, Tunis Belvédère, Tunisia


Abstract This study evaluates the impacts of climate change on water supply and demand of the Nebhana dam system. Future climate change scenarios were obtained from five general circulation models (GCMs) of CMIP5 under RCP 4.5 and 8.5 emission scenarios for the time periods, 2021–2040, 2041–2060 and 2061–2080. Statistical downscaling was applied using LARS-WG. The GR2M hydrological model was calibrated, validated and used as input to the WEAP model to assess future water availability. Expected crop growth cycle lengths were estimated using a growing degree days model. By means of the WEAP-MABIA method, projected crop and irrigation water requirements were estimated. Results show an average increase in annual ETo of 6.1% and a decrease in annual rainfall of 11.4%, leading to a 24% decrease in inflow. Also, crops' growing cycles will decrease from 5.4% for wheat to 31% for citrus trees. The same tendency is observed for ETc. Concerning irrigation requirement, variations are more moderated depending on RCPs and time periods, and is explained by rainfall and crop cycle duration variations. As for demand and supply, results currently show that supply does not meet the system demand. Climate change could worsen the situation unless better planning of water surface use is done.


IWA Publishing


Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Atmospheric Science,Water Science and Technology,Global and Planetary Change

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