The pH of bottled water commercially available in Australia and its implications for oral health


Schmidt Jeremiah1ORCID,Huang Boyen2ORCID


1. a School of Dentistry and Health Sciences, Charles Sturt University, Orange, New South Wales, Australia

2. b School of Dentistry, University of Minnesota Twin Cities, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA


Abstract With a higher pH level and being unlikely to erode the tooth, bottled water has been considered a safe alternative to acidic beverages. However, recent studies have reported some bottled water products in different countries to be acidic. The present paper aimed to examine the pH values of 42 bottled waters commercially available in Australia, using a pH meter and probe, and classify their risks to cause erosive tooth wear in comparison with the critical pH of enamel and dentine. Of the 42 bottled water samples collected, 81.0 and 73.8% were considered erosive to tooth dentine and enamel, respectively. Flavoured waters were the most acidic, followed by sparkling waters, spring waters, artesian waters, mineral waters, and alkaline waters. All sparkling waters and flavoured waters showed an erosive risk to the enamel and dentine. A portion of spring waters and artesian waters was also acidic enough to erode tooth structures. The findings of this work were of concern given the risk of sustaining erosive tooth wear from consuming bottled waters. Health promotion strategies including public awareness and education on oral health consequences related to the consumption of bottled water are needed. Future epidemiological and in vivo investigations are also warranted.


Australian Dental Research Foundation


IWA Publishing


Infectious Diseases,Microbiology (medical),Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Waste Management and Disposal,Water Science and Technology

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