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2. S. I. Vyatkin, “Complex Surface Modeling Using Perturbation Functions,” Avtometriya 43(3), 40–47 (2007) [Optoelectron., Instrum. Data Process. 43 (3), 226–231 (2007)].
3. S. I. Vyatkin, “Method of Binary Search for Image Elements of Functionally Defined Objects Using Graphics Processing Units,” Avtometriya 50(6), 89–96 (2014) [Optoelectron., Instrum. Data Process. 50 (6), 606–612 (2014)].
4. S. I. Vyatkin, “Recursive Search Method for the Image Elements of Functionally Defined Surfaces,” Avtometriya 53(3), 53–57 (2017) [Optoelectron., Instrum. Data Process. 53 (3), 245–249 (2017)].
5. S. I. Vyatkin, “Modeling of Inhomogeneities in Visualization of Atmospheric Effects,” Vestn. Komp. Inform. Tekhnol. 146(7), 9–14 (2016).