1. Belov, V.K., Profili poverkhnosti (Surface Profiles), Magnitogorsk: GOU VPO MGTU, 2007, 2nd ed.
2. Belov, V.K., Representation of Surface Microtopography in Phase Space, Matematika. Prilozhenie matematiki v ekonomicheskikh, tekhnicheskikh i pedagogicheskikh issledovaniyakh (Mathematics: Economic, Engineering, and Pedagogic Applications), Magnitogorsk: MGTU, 2003, pp. 118–123.
3. Belov, V.K., Metrologicheskaya obrabotka rezultatov fizicheskogo eksperimenta (Metrological Analysis of the Results of Physical Experiments), Magnitogorsk: MGTU, 2004, 3rd ed.
4. Belov, V.K., Formation of Microtopography in Surface Finishing, Matematika. Prilozhenie matematiki v ekonomicheskikh, tekhnicheskikh i pedagogicheskikh issledovaniyakh (Mathematics: Economic, Engineering, and Pedagogic Applications), Magnitogorsk: MGTU, 2006, pp. 80–89.
5. Belov, V.K., Description of the Contact between Two Rough Surfaces in Terms of Fractal Geometry, Modelirovanie i razvitie tekhnologicheskikh protsessov obrabotki metallov davleniem (Simulation and the Development of the Pressure Treatment of Metals), Magnitogorsk: MGTU, 2006, pp. 56–66.