1. Construction Standards and Specifications SNiP 2.06.0585*: Pipelines, Moscow: Gosstroi, 1985.
2. STO Gazprom 2-2.1-249-2008 Standard: Gas Pipelines, Moscow: NRTs Gazprom, 2008.
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4. Volkov, M.M., Mikheev, A.L., and Konev, K.A., Spravochnik rabotnika gazovoi promyshlennosti (Gas Industry Manual), Moscow: Nedra, 1989.
5. Ivantsov, O.M., Construction of Gas Pipelines, Gazovaya promyshlennost’ Rossiya. Istoricheskie ocherki (Russia’s Gas Industry: Historical Sketches), Remizov, V.V., Ed., Moscow: Gazoil Press, 2000.