1. Opportunities to Prevent Climate Changes and Its Negative Consequences. The Kyoto Protocol Problems. Material of the Council-Seminar under the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Exec. Ed. Yu. A. Izrael (Nauka, Moscow, 2006) [in Russian].
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3. Yu. A. Izrael, I. I. Borzenkova, and D. A. Severov, “Role of Stratospheric Aerosols in the Maintenance of Present-day Climate,” Meteorol. Gidrol., No. 1 (2007) [Russ. Meteorol. Hydrol., No. 1 (2007)].
4. Yu. A. Izrael, G. L. Lioznov, and A. A. Rasnovskii, “Abilities of Spatial and Nuclear Technologies to Reform World Energetics of the 21st Century,” Izv. Akad. Nauk, Energetika, No. 3 (2008) [Izv., Energetics, No. 3 (2008)].
5. A Letter of the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir V. Putin dated 17.05.2004, in Material of the Council-Seminar under the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences “Opportunities to Prevent Climate Changes and Its Negative Consequences. The Kyoto Protocol Problems,” Exec. Ed. Yu. A. Izrael (Nauka, Moscow, 2006) [in Russian].