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2. I. I. Mokhov, “Russian Studies of Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology in 2007–2010,” Izv., Atmos. Ocean. Phys. 48(3), 283 (2012).
3. National Report for the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics 2003-2006, Ed. by I. I. Mokhov and A. A. Krivolutsky (MAKS Press, Moscow, 2007).
4. I. I. Mokhov, “Russian Climate Studies in 2003–2006,” Izv., Atmos. Ocean. Phys. 45(2), 169–181 (2009).
5. Environmental and Climate Changes: Natural and Related Technogenic Catastrophes, Ed. by N. P. Laverov (IGEM RAN, Moscow, 2007) [in Russian].