1. Gazprom in Figures 2000–2004, http://www.gazprom.ru/documents/Statistika Rus.pdf .
2. Yu. A. Izrael, I. M. Nazarov, and A. I. Nakhutin, “Estimation of Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gas Emission and Sink,” Meteorol. Gidrol., No. 5 (2003) [Russ. Meteorol. Hydrol., No. 5 (2003)].
3. National Report on the Inventory of Anthropogenic Emissions from Sources and Absorption by GHG Absorbers, not Regulated by the Montreal Protocol, for 1990–2004 (Rosgidromet, Moscow, 2006).
4. National Report on the Inventory of Anthropogenic Emissions from Sources and Absorption by GHG Absorbers, not Regulated by the Montreal Protocol, for 1990–2006 (Rosgidromet, Moscow, 2008).
5. Gazprom JSC. Gazprom Today, 2008, http://www:gazprom.ru/articles/article2378.shtml .