The aim of the research was to assess the breeding value of the source material of F. rubra of the lawn direction obtained under conditions of various ecotopes of the south of the Central Russian Upland with a predominance of carbonate substrate. In total, 106 numbers of red fescue of various genetic and geological-geographical origin were evaluated in the experiment: 4 varieties and 102 breeding samples. Tests of the breeding value of the collection numbers were carried out in comparison with the zoned varieties of domestic selection (‘Veselka’, ‘Gostenka’, ‘Iskrinka’) and foreign selection (‘Gondolin’). The forms of F. rubra have been identified, approaching erect in shape, having a high shoot-forming ability, pronounced antocian color of inflorescences, whitish bloom on the leaves, which increases the overall decorative effect of lawn herbage. According to a number of important traits for breeding for seed productivity, the forms selected in natural habitats with a predominance of carbonate substrate have wide limits of variation and can serve as genetic sources of individual breeding traits for obtaining new varieties of lawn management with high seed productivity and decorativeness.
Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production and Agroecology
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