Bases of the adaptive system of fodder production for dairy cattle


Klimenko Vladimir1


1. Federal State Budget Sciences Institution «Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production and Agroecology»


Analysis of Russian agricultural complex development shows increasing the production of such food products as meat of poultry, pork and eggs, however the deficiency on population providing by milk and milk products is remaining: about 15%. To raise the production volumes and to ensure food independence it is necessary to improve feed base and the firstly, to prepare qualitative bulk and concentrated feeds for highly productive dairy cattle. The scientific researchers of Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production & Agroecology have developed the scientific-proved adaptive system of fodder production for dairy farming in the different regions of our country. It includes: species and varietal forage crops zoning due their technological and adaptable properties; optimization of field seed rotation structure with increasing the share of perennial legumes grasses; using of resource-saving technologies of feed production; the control of feed quality on the every step — from the field to the animal feeder. The requirements to feed quality, nutritional value and safety are raising with increase the dairy cattle productivity. These parameters are regulated by the system of state standardization. On the current moment 33 state standards on bulk feeds and feed grain were development by the technical committee on fodder production at Williams Research Center. These feeds must be 1 and 2 quality classes with energy value 9.5–10.0 MJ of metabolic energy and not less than 15% of crude protein content. Implementation of the adaptive system of fodder production in our country will assist to increase qualitative bulk feeds preparation to 85% of its total production volume, to provide competitiveness and profitability the dairy industry.


Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production and Agroecology

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