Studies of acidosis in the ischaemic heart by phosphorus nuclear magnetic resonance


Garlick P B,Radda G K,Seeley P J


1. Phosphorus-nuclear-magnetic-resonance measurements were made on perfused rat hearts at 37 degrees C. 2. With the improved sensitivity obtained by using a wide-bore 4.3 T superconducting magnet, spectra could be recorded in 1 min. 3. The concentrations of ATP, phosphocreatine and Pi and, from the position of the Pi resonance, the intracellular pH (pHi) were measured under a variety of conditions. 4. In a normal perfused heart pHi = 7.05 +/- 0.02 (mean +/- S.E.M. for seven hearts). 5. During global ischaemia pHi drops to 6.2 +/- 0.06 (mean +/- S.E.M.) in 13 min in a pseudoexponential decay with a rate constant of 0.25 min-1. 6. The relation between glycogen content and acidosis in ischaemia is studied in glycogen-depleted hearts. 7. Perfusion of hearts with a buffer containing 100 mM-Hepes before ischaemia gives a significant protective effect on the ischaemic myocardium. Intracellular pH and ATP and phosphocreatine concentrations decline more slowly under these conditions and metabolic recovery is observed on reperfusion after 30min of ischaemia at 37 degrees C. 8. The relation between acidosis and the export of protons is discussed and the significance of glycogenolysis in ischaemic acid production is evaluated.


Portland Press Ltd.


Cell Biology,Molecular Biology,Biochemistry







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