Hygienic Assessment of the Influence of Oxygen-Enriched Drinking Water on the Functional State of the Main Systems of the Human Body


Kirichenko LVORCID,Mikov AIORCID,Sannikova TAORCID,Sosnin DYuORCID


Introduction. Drinking water is a necessary element of life support of the population. Many studies conducted around the world have established a relationship between the quality of drinking water and public health. On the basis of the Perm State Medical University studies were conducted to assess the effects of oxygen-enriched drinking water on human respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems as well as serum erythropoietin (EPO) levels. The objects of study were 32 volunteers (7 men and 25 women) aged 18 to 28. The purpose of the research was to study the effect of oxygen-enriched drinking water on the basic physiological systems of the human body and serum EPO levels of healthy volunteers. Methods. We applied the following research methods: physiological methods were used thrice (on the first, tenth and twenty-first days) to test the cardiovascular (heart rate, SBP, DBP, Kerdo index, Harvard step test), respiratory (BH, JELL, JEL, Stange and Gencha tests) and nervous (Anfimov test, SAN test, ShAS test) systems; laboratory tests of serum EPO levels in venous blood of the volunteers; and statistical methods (statistical processing was performed using Microsoft Office Excel 2007 and STATISTICA V. 7 software package (StatSoft Inc., USA). Results. The use of oxygenated water helps increase functional and reserve capabilities of the basic physiological systems of the body and improve tissue oxygenation.


Federal Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology

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