Abramkin A.V.,Rakhmanov R.S.
Surface water resources of Mordovia Republic characterized by an inconstant output during a year,
therefore, underground artesian waters use for household and drinking water supply. In 2009–2015 the
quality of drinking water samples taken in 22 districts of Mordovia was unfavorable according to
content of fluorine (taken in 13 districts and city of Saransk), iron (taken in 11 districts and city of
Saransk), strontium (1 district), iodine was absent in all water samples. The main contaminant was
fluorides, their level was up to 1,5–5,2 MAC. The development and scientific substantiation of hygienic
actions on group and individual prevention of exposure to elevated concentrations of fluorine as well as
iodine deficiency in human body are required.
Federal Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology
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4 articles.