Hygienic Substantiation of Acoustic Load Reduction Methods for Residential Premises


Levanchuk AV,Kopytenkova OIORCID,Afanasieva TA


Summary. Introduction: Traffic flows cause noise discomfort in 75-80 % of urban territories. Automobile and railway objects located near residential buildings generate indoor noise levels that exceed current standards by 5–30 dB. Approximately 20–25% of the Russian population live in areas of excessive traffic-related acoustic load. Despite the existing methods of acoustic load reduction in residential quarters, the number of complaints about high noise exposures in residential buildings keeps growing. Our objectives was to give a hygienic substantiation of an additional method of acoustic load reduction in residential premises based on the results of analyzing the level of acoustic discomfort. Materials and methods: Measurements, assessment and analysis of the noise level along automobile roads and railways and in the reverberation chamber were carried out in accordance with the current regulatory and technical documentation using a noise/vibration meter and spectrum analyzer “EKOFIZIKA-110A”. Data was processed using the Signal+/110 Utilities software. We studied characteristics of sound insulation of airborne noise with polyester shutters with fire retardant impregnation. Results: The results showed that high noise exposure levels in residential areas with transport infrastructure. Automobile traffic flows form an acoustic load in the range of 71–84 dBA, urban railway traffic flows (trams) – 61–80 dBA, and a train – 66–77 dBA. The excess of hygienic standards at night can reach 32 to 39 dBA. The material with the best sound insulation properties was selected showing an efficiency of 5 dBA. Conclusions: Acoustic discomfort is now registered in urban residential areas with developed automobile and railroad networks. Available methods of soundproofing and noise mitigation are not effective enough or may not be used in the current urban development situation to reduce the risk of negative reactions of the human body to excessive noise exposures in residential premises, especially at night. A 5 dBA acoustic load reduction can lower the risk of negative reactions of the human body to noise exposures.


Federal Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology

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