A software package for differential assessment of the public health risk from exposure to noise from rail and road transport


Fesak Danil1,Davydov Nikita2,Kolobov Dmitriy2,Fedoseenko Anastasiya1


1. Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University

2. Emperor Alexander I Petersburg State Transport University


Objective: in the modern world, the number of vehicles on the roads is growing exponentially, and the infrastructure either remains unchanged or is changing, but it is not happening as fast as we would like [1]. Long-term effects of noise exposure, such as disorders of the cardiovascular system (high blood pressure, myocardial infarction, coronary heart disease, etc.), the nervous system (sleep disorder, cognitive impairment, vegetative vascular dystonia), diseases of the ear and mastoid process (conductive and sensorineural hearing loss), depression and other mental disorders [2, 3, 4], are more related to indicators that sum up the noise exposure over a long time. Both when conducting tests by accredited specialists and when choosing housing for buyers, you have to rely on an analytical or practical way to assess the noise pollution of a room. In order to provide a person with a simple and objective way to assess noise pollution, a software package has been developed that allows assessing the impact of noise pollution from transport on public health. Methods: quantitative risk assessment was carried out in accordance with the methodological recommendations of MP “Assessment of public health risk from exposure to traffic noise”. Results: in order to automate calculations, unify the evaluation of results and reduce time costs, the authors propose a software package for differential assessment of public health risks from exposure to rail and road transport. The end product is a user-friendly, cross-platform application for operational risk assessment in the field for employees of test centers who measure noise from known sources of automobile, railway or combined traf fic flows. Practical importance: convenience and optimization of risk processing by noise measurements by employees of noise measurement laboratories using the application.


Petersburg State Transport University

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