Objective: to perform a bibliometric analysis of occupational health in civil construction works in areas of focus and significant contributions in the last 10 years (2013-2023) worldwide indexed in Scopus. Methodology: A quantitative bibliometric analysis was undertaken. The indicators of scientific waste were generated by means of 100 documents selected in Scopus using the keywords in English ("occupational health" AND "civil construction") from 2013 to 2023.Results: There was a 27.90% growth in publications on the subject by the year 2020, which indicates a strong interest in the subject. Portugal is one of the countries with more scientific production (n=74; 20.67%), and the University of Lisbon with more publications (n=14). The journal Material Science and Engineering: R Reports received 96 citations with the author being Salas, J. Conclusions: The bibliometric analysis of occupational health in civil construction works during the last 10 years (2013-2023) has provided valuable insight into the areas of focus and significant contributions in this field. The data reveal a steady increase in research output, with a notable peak in the period studied. It has been observed that several nations, including Portugal, Canada and Mexico, have contributed significantly to the scientific output in this field.
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