Introduction: the pedagogical model as a scientific result of educational research, understood as a representation of essential elements of the training process or some of its parts. Objective: to validate a model for the formation of the professional competence “Management of patient safety in intensive care” in the Bachelor’s degree in Nursing. Method: a study was carried out at the Baracoa Medical Sciences Branch, belonging to the Guantánamo University of Medical Sciences from 2016-2018, methods such as methodological triangulation were used through the criteria of 20 experts by the Green method. Results: the consensus general of the experts was “strongly in agreement” for the foundations that support the training model of professional competence “Management of patient safety in intensive care” in the Nursing Bachelor’s degree and its quality. Conclusions: the training model of professional competence “Management of patient safety in intensive care” is accepted as valid and feasible for its implementation in practice, it constitutes a novel and relevant contribution for the transformation of the training process in the career of Nursing, from the Emergency Nursing subject in the fourth year, which promotes the relationship between the systematization of skills and the development of innovation capacity in students to guarantee patient safety
Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia
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