1. Volgograd State University
The article analyzes the year-name space of the city of Volgograd (godonyms), interpreted as a set of names of linear geographic objects officially recorded on the territory of a settlement. The linguistic codes most in demand in the regional toponymic policy have been identified and characterized, the most important features of these codes are consistency, structure, repletion with relevant to users information, and in some cases conventionality, symbolism consigning positive semantics. It is argued that the extremely frequent codes for nominating the intracity linear topo objects of Volgograd are memorial, local, anthropogenic and conditionally symbolic ones. It has been established that memoratives can be subdivided into personal, group, and associated with some significant events. Personal memoratives are distributed over the three strata: godonyms commemorating world-famous people, godonyms naming places after iconic personalities in the national community, godonyms based on the names of people recognized in the region. Godonyms, designed to preserve the memory of military exploits committed during the defense of the city in different historical epochs, prevail among group and event memoratives. The most urgent tasks in the field of municipal toponymic policy are outlined as being associated with increase in degrees of name uniqueness within the city, reduction of onyms that contain numerals and abbreviations, and raising requirement to linguistic consistency and accurate spelling of godonyms.
Volgograd State University
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4 articles.