Crack formation in natural and pressure-modified silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) wood: the effect of the internal friction index under the influence of external disturbances


Russu Aleksandr12,Shamaev Vladimir1,Zimelis Andris3


1. Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov

2. FGBOU VO «Voronezhskiy gosudarstvennyy lesotehnicheskiy universitet imeni G. F. Morozova», ul. Timiryazeva, 8, g. Voronezh, 394087, Rossiya

3. Tehnicheskiy universitet g. Riga


Obtaining information about the presence of cracks in raw materials, blanks and wood products is neces-sary to make a decision on the purposes of its subsequent processing and operation. The method for diagnosing cracks in wood is based on measuring internal friction. For prepared samples of natural and modified wood, sawn from the stem part of drooping birch (Betula pendula Roth) trees growing in Khlevensky Forestry, Lipetsk region. (52.184130, 39.110463, ASL 157m), exposed to radial and tangential directions with ultrasound (frequency 24.5 kHz, exposure 0-20 minutes, step 5 minutes) and pulsed magnetic field (strength - 0.3 T, exposure 0-2 minutes, step 0.5 minutes). Next, the internal friction of the samples was studied on an experimental setup by measuring the logarithmic damping decrement based on free-bending vibrations. The absolute values of the dimensionless coefficient of internal friction Q-1, as the main structural parameter for samples of natural and modified wood, were obtained at a significance level of p=0.95: for humidity, in the presence of one crack, Q-1 decreased by 7.04% (D=0.08), in the presence of two cracks - by 8.4% (D=0.15), in the presence of three cracks - by 9.06% (D=0.15); for ultrasound in the presence of one crack Q-1 decreased by 7.17% (D=0.05), in the presence of two cracks - by 8.46% (D=0.05), in the presence of three cracks - by 9.12% (D=0.09); for a pulsed magnetic field in the presence of one crack Q-1 decreased by 7.14% (D=0.05), in the presence of two cracks - by 8.39% (D=0.09), in the presence of three cracks - by 9.02% (D=0.09). When testing the samples of natural wood and pressure-modified drooping birch (Betula pendula Roth) wood, we obtained an asymptotic equation was obtained for ap-proximating the dependence of the decrease in Q-1 on the number of cracks, with the approximation value R2=0.994. The study of the dependence of internal friction on the process of crack formation in various types of wood provides preparation for the next stage - the construction of a prototype system for non-destructive testing of defects.


Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov


General Medicine

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