Efficacy and Safety of Hydroxychloroquine vs Placebo for Pre-exposure SARS-CoV-2 Prophylaxis Among Health Care Workers


Abella Benjamin S.1,Jolkovsky Eliana L.1,Biney Barbara T.1,Uspal Julie E.1,Hyman Matthew C.2,Frank Ian3,Hensley Scott E.4,Gill Saar5,Vogl Dan T.5,Maillard Ivan5,Babushok Daria V.5,Huang Alexander C.5,Nasta Sunita D.5,Walsh Jennifer C.5,Wiletyo E. Paul6,Gimotty Phyllis A.6,Milone Michael C.7,Amaravadi Ravi K.5,


1. Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia

2. Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia

3. Division of Infectious Disease, Department of Medicine University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia

4. Department of Microbiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia

5. Abramson Cancer Center and Division of Hematology-Oncology, Department of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia

6. Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Informatics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia

7. Department of Pathology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia


American Medical Association (AMA)


Internal Medicine

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