Enhancing out-of-class independent learning in a cloud-based information and communication learning environment: insights from students of a pedagogical university


Kolgatin Oleksandr H.ORCID,Kolgatina Larisa S.ORCID,Ponomareva Nadiia S.ORCID


This paper addresses the challenges associated with students’ out-of-class independent work in an information and communication learning environment that relies on cloud technologies. The study utilizes survey data gathered from students at a pedagogical university to inform the development of a course titled “Educational Electronic Resources for Primary School” designed for future primary school teachers. The findings reveal several prominent issues, including the need for more explicit instructions tailored to the task requirements, limited experience in self-management, and a lack of intrinsic motivation. Students emphasized the importance of detailed instructions, either orally or in written form, and emphasized the necessity of careful time planning to ensure successful completion of tasks. Furthermore, the article discusses students’ learning activities and achievements in the course amidst the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Drawing from this analysis, the study formulates key requirements for effectively managing students’ out-of-class independent work in a cloud-based learning environment. This research contributes valuable insights to improving the design and implementation of remote learning initiatives, enhancing student engagement, and fostering meaningful learning outcomes.


Academy of Cognitive and Natural Sciences

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