Possibilities and limitations of social media in education processes during the pandemic: The teachers perspective


Papanikolopoulou Arco Laura JoanaORCID


The health emergency derived from the spread of COVID-19 led to the declaration of confinement for the protection of the population. During this temporary period, the educational centers of the Spanish state were forced to suspend face-to-face classes at all educational levels. To safeguard the teaching processes, educational centers and teachers relied on social media to continue their work. The objective of this study is to understand the possibilities and limitations of social media as the only means of communication in the educational and socialization processes of students from the perspective of teachers. The methodology used is based on the collection of data through a questionnaire distributed in the secondary education centers of the autonomous regions of the Basque Country and Navarra. The questionnaire was distributed electronically, respecting the anonymity of the teaching staff and the center in which they practice. The results reveal that the digital media the possibilities and limitations of these media in the teaching processes, showing that some of these are surmountable and others are not.


Academy of Cognitive and Natural Sciences

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