1. Universitas Negeri Makassar
This research aims to obtain input about the benefits, value and usefulness of a program, as well as the effectiveness of providing coaching and training through the CIPP (contex, input, process and product) model developed by Stufflebeam. Therefore, we use cross-sectional design in this study. The object of this research is the South Sulawesi sports development program, include: availability of infrastructure, availability of human resources, organizational performance and funding sources. Variables are measured through questionnaires, observations, interviews, documents and test results. The results of implementing sports coaching are in the good category, including: (1) context aspects, the average score is 89.2%, which means that the sports coaching program is appropriate and relevant to government goals and policies, (2) aspects of input, planning programs and resources are in accordance with a score of 78.0% of the maximum score, (3) process aspects, assessment of the sports coaching process is in accordance with a score of 86.3% of the maximum score, athlete assessment a score of 86.8% of the maximum score , (4) product aspect, the achievement of athletes' abilities is considered to have increased significantly, the average initial test score is 65% while the average final test score is 84.04%, resulting in an increase in the average athlete score of 19.04%. The measurement of interest a score of 78.1% of the maximum score, while attitude a score of 80.3% of the maximum score, this means that the athlete's assessment of the implementation of sports coaching tends to be positive and good.
International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences