1. Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin
Hearing impairment in the system of analyzers entails not only an isolated “exclusion” of one sense organ, but a defect in the whole development of the child. Hearing impairment is closely functionally interdependent with speech function and motor sphere. The hearing disorder is functionally closely interdependent, with speech function and motor area. For this reason, of all types of motor abilities are the most impaired coordination, as their development is based on the lack of functional formation of sensory systems involved in the management of movements. It is important to note that disorders in the development of coordination abilities in children with hear-ing disorders are most pronounced in preschool and primary school age. The influence of vestibu-lar function disorders as a consequence of auditory deprivation on the development of coordina-tion abilities of children of primary school age is described. These motor tests allow us to identify the development levels of coordination abilities following types: static balance, responsiveness, the ability to coordinate movements, the ability to differentiate muscle efforts and space, the ability to orient in space, tempo-rhythm ability. The obtained test results were evaluated with respect to the indicators of the development of six types of coordination abilities of primary school children without deviations in health status. The comparative analysis revealed the lag of the studied types of coordination abilities of younger schoolchildren with auditory deprivation.
Russian Foundation for Basic Research
Tambov State University - G.R. Derzhavin
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3 articles.