Information immunity as a key concept of information and psychological security of the individual


Golushko Tatiana K.1ORCID


1. Derzhavin Tambov State University


The rapid development of computer and information technologies, the emergence of virtually unlimited access to any media, access to completely different speeds of information exchange and data processing have focused the attention of the scientific community and specialists practitioners on the problem of ensuring the information security of the individual, on identifying the conditions and factors for the formation of protective mechanisms against the negative impact of the information flow. In this regard, the theoretical substantiation of the interrelated concepts of “information resource”, “information and psychological impact”, “information security of the individual”, “information immunity” is of considerable interest. In the course of the study, psychological, pedagogical, cultural, political, legal, sociological, philosophical, socio-economic aspects of determining the essential characteristics of information and psychological security of the individual were analyzed, based on the assessment of the principles and mechanisms of its regulation, the basic components were identified, the role of information immunity in their formation was determined. As a result of the application of the formal-logical method, the author’s concept of subordination of the definitions “information culture”, “information competence”, “information security culture”, “information immunity of the individual” is proposed. The obtained theoretical results of the comparative analysis can be used in the development of technology to protect children and youth from the destructive consequences of information and psychological impact.


Tambov State University - G.R. Derzhavin


Ocean Engineering

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2. Culturology of professional culture of information security;Культура и искусство;2023-08

3. Analytical understanding by university students of “individual information immunity” concept: pedagogical aspect;Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities;2023







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