Analytical understanding by university students of “individual information immunity” concept: pedagogical aspect


Golushko Tatiana K.1ORCID,Makarova Lyudmila N.1ORCID


1. Derzhavin Tambov State University


Importance. The problematic field of students’ information security development in modern society actualized the integration of existing methodological approaches and the search for technologies within which complex researches of ways to solve emerging problems are possible. In the science and practice of pedagogical education, knowledge about the essence and structure of information immunity as a personal quality becomes relevant and in demand. The purpose of the research is a comparative analysis of the opinion of university students on the essence of the concept of “information immunity”, its features in the context of changing digital reality. Research Methods. The research is carried out on the system, environmental, integrative and personal-activity approaches integration basis. The following research methods were used: analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, comparison, generalization, systematization, survey of first and second year Derzhavin Tambov State University various training program students. The sample consisted of 119 students. Results and Discussion. It is revealed that students’ general idea of about the necessity of this personality characteristic, about the prerequisites for its formation, knowledge, capabilities, skills that determine the safe and comfortable functioning of a person in a modern information society (working with information, digital communication, information security, cyber psychology), largely echoes the opinion of philosophers teachers, psychologists, sociologists, lawyers interested in the genesis of “information immunity” concept. The results of the survey also indicate disagreements both on the issue of such characteristics’ causal relationship between the emergence as individual information culture and information immunity, as well with regard to the optimal age for their development. Conclusion. The obtained theoretical results provide additional material for concretizing the subordination of the concepts of “information culture”, “information security”, “individual information immunity”, interpreting the essence of the latter, highlighting its content and functional components, the criteria base for assessing the development of information immunity level.


Tambov State University - G.R. Derzhavin


Ocean Engineering

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