Specifics of foreign language specialist training: theoretical and practical aspects


Mikheeva Natalia N.1ORCID,Guseva Raisa G.1ORCID


1. Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation


The research presents vision of the importance of modern professional foreign language education and its impact on the professional development of the individual, the possession of techniques and methods of professional communication, taking into account the specifics of the culture of the interlocutor. Comprehensive development of personality and specialist is currently one of the most priority areas of the Russian system of professional foreign language education, which makes the problem presented in this study relevant. In this study: 1) the relevance is indicated and the need for disclosure of the specifics of specialist training by means of professional foreign language education is determined; 2) the specifics of professional foreign language education as: a) an instrument of successful human activity in a multicultural community; b) a factor in the de-velopment of professional language consciousness and the culture of speech communication. A foreign language as an academic subject has always occupied a special place in the education of a specialist of any profession: proficiency in at least one foreign language is important and in de-mand today within the framework of international intercultural communication; 3) the characteristics of strategic directions in teaching language and culture in a non-linguistic university are presented; 4) the content of professional foreign language communicative competence of a future specialist is clarified; 5) the main vectors of innovative language and culture teaching within the framework of professional foreign language training of a specialist are proposed.


Tambov State University - G.R. Derzhavin

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