Folk patois through the prism of the funeral and memorial rite


Nedostupova Lyubov V.1ORCID


1. Voronezh State Technical University


The topic of this study is the content of the ritual of organizing and conducting a funeral, which is reflected in the living language of a rural person. The applicability of this research is due to the growing interest in the folk culture of the past and the vocabulary associated with it. The purpose of the research is to determine the characteristic features of the speech of a dialect speaker of the older age group through the prism of the funeral and memorial rite of the Russian village. The old tradition is represented through the folk language. The object of research is the South Russian patois. As a result of research activity, we show the ceremonial of the mourning cycle of the middle of the 20th century. It is presented as an original cultural phenomenon, including 12 stages of action. The patois of a village woman is analyzed through bright phonetic and grammatical features. Among them: ya-pronunciation, a-pronunciation, i-pronunciation, transition [a] to [o], γ fricative formation, loss of initial vowel and consonant, use of prosthetic [й] before front vowel [и], hard pronunciation of long hissing [ш’], regular dissimilation, simplification of consonants and vowels or their groups, lengthening of the stem due to a vowel and/or consonant, rearrangement of stress in words, transition of nouns of the 3rd declension into the 1st, endings -ы in words of the neuter gender, transition of the neuter gender into female, etc. It is concluded that these characteristics testify to the preservation of dialectal features through a strong, steadfast custom of the last century. It is noted that in the respondent's speech they found expression: ritual tradition, ritual food and drinks, the life of a particular person, rural realities, features of life, family relations, norms existing within the village microcommunity, etc.


Tambov State University - G.R. Derzhavin


Applied Mathematics,General Mathematics

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