The Teacher Behavior Checklist (TBC) is a worldwide valued instrument to measure teachers’ performance. Nonetheless, the studies about TBC in Brazil are still scarce, with samples mainly composed of psychology and civil engineering students. The aim of this study was to replicate the research by Keeley et al. (2010) to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Brazilian version of the TBC with a new sample. Participants were 107 undergraduates from physical education courses from a Brazilian public university. Participants used the TBC to evaluate three types of teachers: the worst they had ever had, a regular one, and the best one. The order of evaluation of teacher types did not interfere with the response patterns, but as expected, statistically significant differences were found among the three types of teachers. Additionally, the two-factor model of the TBC was confirmed through Confirmatory Factor Analysis, providing additional evidence of construct validity. However evidence to advocate in favor of a one-factor solution was also found. McDonald’s Omega results provided evidence of reliability. These findings support the use of TBC in the formative evaluation of teachersin Brazil.
Editorial Universidad Catolica de Colombia
Psychiatry and Mental health,General Psychology
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