Gaviria Y. S.,Londoño L. F.,Zapata J. E.
In this study we evaluated the inclusion of chemical silage from red tilapia viscera (Oreochromis sp.) in diets for ISA Brown line laying hens (Gallus gallus domesticus) and its influence on nutritional parameters and egg quality. A total of 56 16-week-old laying hens were randomly divided into two groups (one per diet), which in turn were subdivided into 7 groups, each with 4 birds. Eggs were collected during the first 13 weeks of laying. During this period the egg quality parameters were evaluated until week 11; the bromatological characterization of the egg was carried out in the 2nd and 4th week of laying. The results indicated that the inclusion of chemical silage in 17,18% dry matter does not result in statistically significant differences in egg quality parameters or in their bromatological composition, with respect to the control. This led to the conclusion that chemical silage can be used as an alternative to protein inputs such as fish meal and soybean cake in the diet of laying hens, without modifying the quality of the final product.
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
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