Urban road networks are lifelines for cities in fulfilling the transportation needs of their inhabitants. The Patna Urban Agglomeration Area (PUAA) lacks properly planned roads; many of them have varying widths, with encroachments that reduce effective road width. A serviceability analysis is required through a traffic survey in order to create a traffic flow profile. This profile aids in performing time-based path, elevation, and serviceability analyses. In this study, traffic data were collected using cameras at vital road junctions and signals. A manual traffic survey was conducted at locations where active traffic was observed during peak hours. The road network of the study area was created using Google Maps, digitizing roads as lines and utilities as points. The traffic survey data, the road network, and the utilities were analyzed in the Network Analyst tool of the ArcGIS software. The analyses revealed suitable routing at underpass and overpass, as well as feasible paths during peak hours and locations with poor utility access. The analysis focused on the low-income group of people who depend on public transport and utilities and are the driving force of a developing economy. Suitable solutions are suggested to improve the existing road network.
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
General Engineering,Building and Construction
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