Vriesea incurvata is a native bromeliad from Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest and commercialized as an ornamental pot plant. The morphological characteristics of its floral scape may also indicate it as a new product to use as a cut flower. However, its postharvest behavior was unknown. This study was conducted to determine its vase life by applying distilled water (control) and solutions containing sucrose (50 g L-1), salicylic acid (50 μM), and citric acid (50 g L-1) for periods of 8 and 24 h. Floral scapes maintained in solutions showed vase life greater than 16 days when compared to the control (distilled water). However, solutions with sucrose evidenced the best behaviors related to the maintenance of physiological and aesthetic features during the vase life of the floral scapes. It is concluded that solutions with sucrose, salicylic acid, and citric acid applied for 8 and 24 h extend the vase life of the V. incurvata floral scapes. Sucrose applied for 8 h promotes the maintenance of color, brightness, and turgidity; improves water balance, and reduces the relative fresh weight losses of floral scapes throughout the vase life, extending their longevity up to 24 days.
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Soil Science,Agronomy and Crop Science
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