Pinzón Luis A.,Hidalgo-Leiva Diego A.,Moya-Fernández Aarón,Schmidt-Díaz Victor,Pujades Luis G.
In this paper, a new seismic site classification for the Costa Rican Strong-Motion Network (CRSMN) is proposed. The soil profile classification of the Costa Rican Seismic Code based on the average shear-wave velocity of the top 30 m (VS30) is used as a reference. The site fundamental period (Tf) is included as a parameter to complement the existing characterization. For this, the VS30 measurements from 52 accelerometric stations are related to the site fundamental period obtained through horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios (HVSR) using ground motion records from the Costa Rican Strong-Motion Database. The H/V ratios are estimated with 5% damped acceleration response spectra and with traditional Fourier amplitude spectra from the S-wave window. From the relation between VS30 and Tf, different ranges of Tf are assigned to the existing soil profile classification and a graph with three-lines and four-areas is proposed to classify the stations of the CRSMN.
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
General Earth and Planetary Sciences
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