Extensive Reading on Postgraduate Students' Perceptions and Its Effects on Reading Comprehension


Huynh Dai PhuocORCID


Several studies have shown the effectiveness of extensive reading (ER) in English as a second language (ESL) and English as a foreign language (EFL) classrooms. This study aimed to explore students' perceptions of ER and its benefits on reading comprehension. Extensive reading is considered to be a useful reading technique to arouse students' reading abilities. Data were collected from 36 participants who are master's candidates at a university in Southern Vietnam through a 3-Likert scale questionnaire and a semi-interview on study issues. The findings of the study claim that students applied ER to their reading processes through free reading, free topics, and non-pressure on reading tasks. Students believe that ER activities help to improve reading competence and unconsciously build up a reading habit for readers. From the results of the study, ER proves its advantages by what students gained, such as the ability to comprehend reading passages and to make inferences or predictions. The researcher suggests further studies should focus on factors that affect ER processes and conduct experimental research to evaluate ER advantages.


Asia Association of Computer Assisted Language Learning

Reference42 articles.

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5. Day, R. R., & Bamford, J. (1998). Extensive reading in the second language classroom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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