Hint Altkıtası Ve Orta Asya'da İslam Felsefesi: 21. Yüzyılda Yayınlanan Literatürün Analizi






Islamic philosophy as a branch of knowledge emerged following the triumph of Greek philosophy. A large number of studies focused on various aspects of Islamic philosophy throughout the world. The present study aims to analyze the articles published in the SCOPUS-indexed journals on different issues of Islamic philosophy in the 21st century from central Asia and the Indian subcontinent. Using bibliometric R-package and Microsoft Excel, the analysis focused on the summary of the data, productivity over the years, analysis of the sources and the areas of study. The number of publications has increased over the years on this topic. However, a significant amount of research has been conducted in Iran and Turkey. Eventually, the contributing sources are also mainly from these two countries. Among the topics covered are related to ‘Islamism’, ‘Islam’, ‘History’, ‘Religion’ and ‘Philosophy’. Future research can be conducted on the contributions of various Islamic philosophers in metaphysics, epistemology, natural philosophy and social philosophy. Based on the current study's findings, future researchers on Islamic philosophy can determine their areas of interest.


Asia Minor Studies


General Medicine

Reference165 articles.

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