Strategic benchmarks in public regulation of the domestic consumer goods market


Popadynets Nazariy1ORCID,Irtyshcheva Inna2ORCID,Kramarenko Iryna3ORCID,Danylo Svitlana4ORCID,Zhuravel Yuliya5ORCID


1. Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine

2. Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding

3. Mykolaiv Interregional Institute of Human Development of Open International University of Human Development "Ukraine"

4. Uzhgorod Institute of Trade and Economics of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

5. Lviv Regional Institute of Public Administration of National Academy of Public Administration


Nowadays, the domestic consumer goods market plays an important role in maintaining the living standards of the population. Its development is an important precondition of accelerated economic growth in the country. Yet, the current condition of the domestic market is characterized by the availability of many negative trends that are stipulated by the bottlenecks in the public regulation of the consumer market and lack of controllability of its certain development processes. An objective need to search for the ways and tools to efficiently manage the development of the domestic consumer market on the system basis requires the thorough scientific-methodological substantiation of a range of important issues like defining the goals and priorities of the consumer market development and elaborating the tactics of its development in times of European integration as a set of measures directed at the implementation of strategic goals. The paper aims to determine the strategic priorities in public regulation of the domestic consumer goods market. The paper examines the theoretical foundations of the consumer market’s public regulation. The functioning of enterprises on the domestic market is analyzed, and on this basis, their operating efficiency is determined. The regulative framework related to the issues of the economic development and trade processes in particular in the times of COVID-19 is analyzed. The priorities and tasks of regulation of the competitive process at the domestic market in the short-term and middle-term perspectives in conditions of the pandemic are suggested based on examining the foreign sector of Ukraine in 2013-2019 and the consensus-prognosis for 2020-2021. The place of the domestic consumer goods market’s development strategy in maintaining the sustainable development in Ukraine is determined, and the main tasks of implementation of the domestic consumer goods market’s development policy are outlined. In the course of examining the main trends of the domestic market functioning in current economic conditions, the problems hampering their development were identified. The strategy of the domestic consumer goods market development is characterized.


State Institution - Institute of regional research named after M.I. Dolishniy of NAS of Ukraine


General Medicine

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