1. V.A. Sukhomlynskyi Mykolaiv national University
Introduction. In modern economic conditions, the ecosystem theory of evolution is developing rapidly. This allows you to form an idea of the created ecological system because of resource conservation and restoration. In addition, with the deterioration and reduction of life expectancy, a sharp increase in morbidity, society is looking for a suitable "panacea" that can influence the negative factors. Most scholars are of the opinion that the national security of the state depends on food, which is why the production and consumption of environmentally friendly products will provide an adequate level of protection of vital interests of society.
The aim of the article is to study the conceptual foundations of organic food production.
Results. It is investigated that ecologically directed production was considered through the prism of organo-biological, biodynamic method, biological (ecological), integrated agricultural production and organic. It is proved that environmentally friendly raw materials are used to produce organic products, in accordance with the approved requirements. The main theoretical approaches to the essence of the concept of "organic agricultural production" and "organic food products" are revealed. The main differences in certain concepts are given.
Conclusions. The improvement of the essence of the concept of "organic food production" is substantiated, which means the production of products from environmentally friendly raw materials that do not contain genetically modified organisms, chemically synthesized fertilizers and has the appropriate certificates, labeling. It is proved that the priority areas of research are organic farming, crop production, horticulture, berry growing, nut growing and viticulture, animal husbandry, aquaculture, organic processing, organic market research and forecasting. Each individual area is accompanied by different stages of research and have their own tools, mechanisms for their implementation.
Key words: conceptual bases, organic agricultural products, organic food products, research priorities.
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