Potential Assessment of Sturgeon Muscle Tissue as a Development Basis for Specialized Athletes Nutrition


Artemov Andrey1,Kharenko Elena1,Baskakova Yulia1


1. Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography, Moscow, Russian Federation


Specialized food products use in the athlete diet developed considering the needs for nutrients is one of the most important factors in achieving high sports results and rapid recovery after physical activity. The study aims at possibility assessment of the muscle tissue use of sturgeon fish as a basis for the specialized food products development for athletes. Total chemical composition analysis of 13 sturgeon muscle tissue samples demonstrated that these fish species belong to the protein one with 15.73–19.38% protein content. According to the fat content, there are two groups to be identified: Sib×Sevr, BS×AO, bester Burtsevsky, bester vnirovsky, RO×L belong to fatty fish species (8.22–13.49% fat), and bester Aksai, K, K×A, St×K, AO – to medium-fat fish (4.70–7.92% fat). The study of the amino acid score of muscle tissue proteins has shown their high biological value. Only Burtsevsky bester and Siberian sturgeon differed in the presence of a limiting amino acid (valine), the rest of the samples studied had an amino acid score of more than 100%. The highest content of carnosine dipeptide is observed in hybrids between Siberian sturgeon and stellate sturgeon (385 mg/100 g), between Kaluga and Amur sturgeon (382.6 mg/100 g), as well as in bester vnirovsky (331.2 mg/100 g) and Amur sturgeon (308.8 mg/100 g). The fatty acid composition analysis of lipids showed the unsaturated fatty acids prevalence in it and a high total content of polyunsaturated eicosapentanoic and docosahexaenoic fatty acids (5.79–12.70%). A comprehensive assessment of the chemical composition coefficient and structural and mechanical characteristics of minced meat based on sturgeon muscle tissue revealed that this type of raw material is efficient in product manufacture for athletes.


Ural State University of Economics

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