Pastille Isomalt and Erythritol Based Product Enriched with Biologically Active Substances of Black Currant


Lazarev Vladimir A.1,Ershova Alina R.1


1. Ural State University of Economics, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation


The development of new functional food products ensuring the human health preservation and strength is an important growth direction of the food industry. The research aims at developing a recipe and production technology of sugar-free pastille confectionery (marshmallows) enriched with plant biologically active substances of black currant for patients with diabetes mellitus type 2. A man replaced sugar in confectionery with erythritol and isomalt mixture; and examined a sample of marshmallows with 100 % sugar replacement in comparison with traditional marshmallows on sugar using apple pectin. The researchers determined the optimal ratio of erythritol and isomalt sweeteners – 7 : 3. They developed the pastille product manufacture technology. There was an increase in the antioxidant activity indicator from 0.716 mmol-eq./dm3 to 2.269 mmol-eq./ dm3 when adding a black currant juice. The vitamin C content increased from 0.043 % to 0.857 %. Despite the increased humidity (19.6 %), the experimental marshmallow sample had good organoleptic indicators (average score – 4.39). Acceptable levels of microbiological contamination of a marshmallow sample based on sweeteners are maintained for 48 hours. The developed recipe will expand the confectionery products range for diabetic nutrition.


Ural State University of Economics


Materials Chemistry,Economics and Econometrics,Media Technology,Forestry

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