Processing of Artichoke Tubers into Distillates for the Original Alcoholic Beverages Production


Solovyov Alexander1,Turshatov Mikhail1,Kononenko Valentin1,Pogorzhelskaya Natalia1,Pavlenko Svetlana1


1. Russian Science Institute of Food Biotechnology – subdivision of the Federal Research Centre for Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety, Moscow, Russian Federation


Artichoke is a universal crop. A man produces inulin, fructose, and pectin from its tubers industrially. Due to the significant carbohydrate content (up to 20 %) artichoke can be a raw material for the ethyl rectified alcohol production. The research aimed at assessing the possibility of artichoke processing into distillate with its physico-chemical and organoleptic parameters determination and subsequent assessment of its applicability for the original alcoholic beverages production. The artichoke tubers treatment process included grinding, water-heat and enzymatic treatment, fermentation and distillation process. To obtain marketable products, the researchers developed a two-stage distillation scheme on a laboratory unit equipped with a distillation tower with single-cap plates. At the first stage, a man extracted alcohol from a fermented wash to obtain an unrefined distillate with a strength of 20 % vol., at the second stage, strengthened the resulting distillate to 94 % vol. and cleared from related impurities additionally. According to the physico-chemical parameters the distillate samples correspond to the GOST 33723-2016 “Grain Distillate. Technical Conditions”. There were no volatiles unusual for alcoholic fermentation. The professional expert degustators demonstrated the highest regard for the studied distillate samples, they noted the presence of raw materials in the taste and aroma, clothing the product with originality and recognition. The distillate is recommended for the original alcoholic beverage production.


Ural State University of Economics


Materials Chemistry,Economics and Econometrics,Media Technology,Forestry

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