Valuatio of Inequality in the Russian Federation and its Decomposition Using the Theil Index


Gagarina G. Y.1,Bolotov R. O.1


1. Federal State Budgetary Institute of Higher Education Plekhanov Russian University of Economics


The high level of interregional socio-economic inequality is one of the main problems of spatial development of the Russian Federation, which is enshrined in several state strategic planning documents. Such a situation requires constant monitoring of this inequality and the search for solutions to this problem. The article analyzes the current situation of interregional inequality in the Russian Federation according to a few key indicators of socio-economic development and assesses the dynamics of changes in inequality of the subjects of the Russian Federation in the period 2000–2019. In addition, the article decomposes interregional inequality using the Theil index and proves that differences between federal districts explain a relatively small part of interregional differentiation, while differences between regions within districts account for more than 80% of all regional variation.


Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE)

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