1. Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Science
The demography of enterprises (or business demography) is a fairly new scientific direction for foreign and especially Russian economic science. The purpose of the study is to assess demographic business trends in the federal districts of the Russian Federation in 2017-2022. in the context of economic sanctions, the COVID-19 pandemic, NWO in Ukraine. The main trends in the entry and exit of enterprises from the market are identified, the birth rates and official liquidation rates are calculated on average over a 6-year period for all federal districts of the Russian Federation. The authors prove that the demography of enterprises is becoming one of the most important markers of the development of countries and regions. As a result of the study, it was concluded that regional features of the entry and exit of enterprises from the market remain and are largely predetermined by the existing economic potential and structure of the economy of individual subjects of the Russian Federation. The given information and analytical materials are useful in developing measures to improve the effectiveness of managerial decisions in order to increase the mobility of the economy of the country and individual regions, taking into account their territorial identity. Taking into account the identified features of the transformation of the business demography of enterprises across the country will be relevant when developing strategies for the socio-economic development of regions in the context of overcoming the consequences of sanctions.
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE)
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