Trends in the Development of the Subjects of the Russian Federation under Sanctions


Valentey S. D.1,Bakhtizin A. R.2,Borisova S. V.2,Kol’chugina A. V.3,Lykova L. N.3


1. Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education “Plekhanov Russian University of Economics”

2. Federal State Budgetary Institute of Science Central Institute of Economics and Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences

3. Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences


For the period from 2020 to the present, both the domestic economy and the economies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have been subjected to two shocks. The shock caused by COVID-19 and the shock caused by the sanctions policy against Russia. As our research has shown, regional economies have relatively successfully overcome the negative consequences of the pandemic, suffering fewer losses than initially hypothetically predicted. An attempt to determine the degree of negative consequences of sanctions at the regional level is made in this article. At the same time, the authors understand that the problem requires further research, because, firstly, the impact of covid and post-covid restrictions on the national and regional economies has not been completely overcome. Secondly, since sanctions were introduced (and are being introduced) not simultaneously, but incrementally, they affect (and will affect) regional economies with different industry specialization of enterprises in different ways.


Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE)


General Medicine

Reference6 articles.

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2. Valentei S.D., Bakhtizin A.R., Borisova S.V., Kol’chugina A.V., Lykova L.N. Trendy razvitiia regional’nykh ekonomik v Rossii [Trends in the Development of Regional Economies in Russia], Federalizm [Federalism], 2022, Vol. 27, No. 2 (106), pp. 177–221. (In Russ.).

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