Analyzing Problems of Decision-Making in Project Management


Balashova I. V.1


1. Krasnodar branch of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics


The article shows that functioning of big companies is usually connected with accomplishing a great deal of various projects, whose management requires such tools that give an opportunity to organize project work. It is recommended to integrate systems of decision-making support with systems operating at the enterprise, which can increase the speed of data processing, search for alternative decisions and their impact on project management. It is possible to improve the process of project management at the enterprise by introducing new technologies and tools providing objective analysis of data with plotting a model of moving events and resolving problems dealing with the quality of estimating project solutions. Therefore, the information system should be used as a tool supporting decision-making aimed at collecting, optimizing, analyzing data, finding errors at present and forecasting further steps in project development. The system of decision-making support is an interactive automated system, whose goal is to help the user apply data and mechanisms for identification and settlement of problems in the adequate way. The efficient and wide use of software has become one of key factors of development and success of companies in conditions of fierce competition.


Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE)

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