1. State University of Management
Transformations aimed at shaping advanced technological environment are necessary to maintain competitiveness and develop production enterprises in constantly changing market conditions. Technological transformation of the enterprise implies a set of steps aimed at introducing information and communication, resource-saving and other technologies, so that the enterprise will be able to put out innovative goods, reach serious organizational improvement in business and comply with fast growing needs of market. The article gives the author’s classification of transformation processes according to their speed and necessity of conducting, at the same time a model of technological transformation of industrial enterprises is put forward. The model includes 4 lines of transformation: production processes, purchase and sale operations, organization of work space and finance processes. Through analyzing benefits of technological transformations it becomes clear that they could speed up work operations, cut excessive steps and resource spending, as well as improve the quality of customer service and efficiency of enterprise functioning in general. The principle challenge of shaping the advanced technological environment at enterprises is absence of support of the part of top management and ordinary workers, high cost of introducing innovation and threat of data storage security. Practical significance of research findings is connected with possibility to use them in finding strategic lines and policy of technological transformation of industrial enterprises.
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE)
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