1. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba
The article presents an analysis of the digital transformation process in Iraq. The relevance of the article is reduced to the current need to understand the directions and features of the digitalization of the Iraqi economy in order to comply with global trends and the possibility of increasing financial and economic stability. The global digitalization requires from each country certain efforts to introduce digital technologies into the national economy for the possibility of sustainable development in the long term. Iraq is no exception in this matter and, as shown in the article, based on strategies for digital development, technology transfer and other forms of digitalization stimulation, it is actively moving forward within the framework of this global trend. To analyze the situation with digitalization in Iraq and determine trends in its development, the author uses descriptive and comparative research methods using analytical and statistical tools (graphical method). The data for the study were obtained from national and international sources, as well as from secondary sources. The study period includes 2000–2022. As a result of the research, the author concludes that Iraq could improve the conditions for digitalization in cooperation with foreign countries, both regional and non-regional
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE)
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