1. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Under the conditions of sanctions confrontation transformation of trade and economic relations in the world arena is inevitable. This article analyzes the process of Russian formation of strategic trade cooperation within the global economic system in the context of the evolution of the geography of international trade in 2022–2023. The methodology is based on comparative and statistical approaches. The study shows the growing importance of strategic partnership with China, India and Turkey against the background of the slowdown in trade relations between Russia and the European Union after February 2022. The author's opinion is that the concentration of major commodity flows in a rather narrow group of states has several negative consequences. As the analysis has shown, there is a need to rethink the strategy of Russia's international economic cooperation in the direction of diversification of its economic ties. The purpose of the study is to develop recommendations to support domestic non-resource nonenergy exports (NRE) as a source of sustainable development of trade relations in the direction of friendly countries in the new economic reality. The article identified the most important partner countries for Russian non-resource non-energy exports (China, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Belarus, Uzbekistan and Egypt), which at the same time have the highest indicator of unrealized export potential. Based on the results of the research, it was developed recommendations how to expand the geography of Russian non-resource non-energy exports in the direction of identified strategic partners in the conditions of the sanctions.
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE)
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