Who Is Responsible for Preventing Children’s Sexual Harassment?


Olfah Yustiana


BACKGROUND: Child sexual harassment in Indonesia continues to increase every year. Boys and girls have an equal potential to face the greatest risk of sexual harassment. Most cases occur in educational institutions and even at home, where the perpetrator is the closest person to the children. Even though legal actions for sexual harassment have been implemented, the incidents are still frequent and difficult to control. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to analyze the models of responsibility in the prevention of children’s sexual harassment in various settings, such as at the governance, society, educational institution, and family levels. METHODS: This research adopts a qualitative approach. The data sources for this study are divided into primary data from the informants and secondary data from archive documents. The triangulation method is used with in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, observation, and document reviews, and is analyzed using Miles and Huberman’s interactive model. The study involves the Technical Implementation Unit of the Integrated Service Center for the Protection of Women and Children (UPTD PPA), Resort Police Women and Children Protection Unit (POLRES), Head of the Department of Education, Research, and Culture, Task Force of Women and Children Protection Cadres (SATGAS PPA) in Mojorejo Village, and also from the community health service. This study was conducted in Sleman Regency. RESULT: This study revealed that the models of responsibility for sexual harassment prevention were carried out in various stages, from the state and governance, which included provincial, district, sub-district, communities, educational institutions, family, and the children. CONCLUSION: The responsibility for preventing children’s sexual harassment starts from the state, provincial, district, sub-district, and village levels, which are supported by the community and educational institutions through community service as cadres for the Prevention of Domestic Violence (PKDRT), Women and Children Protection Task Force (PPA), as well as the responsibility of the extended or nuclear family, and also from the children according to their abilities.


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